TRAUMA 393 9.5, is related to that shown for strata. Gandaki zone, in the West Hills and Mountains strata, has the highest prevalence, followed by Seti zone, which contains some of the Far West Hills stratum. Sagarmatha and Karnali zones have low prevalence rates because they contain substantial portions of the East Hills and Far West Mountains populations, respectively. TABLE 9-9. ESTIMATED INCIDENCE OF EYE TRAUMA (EITHER EYE) BY ZONE (NBS 1981) Percentage of All Trauma Cases in Nepal Estimated Population with Trauma Estimated Prevalence (per 1,000) Sample N Zone 2,480 3,650 3,720 4,027 4,253 4,155 3,294 3,797 485 2,015 483 3,122 1,757 2,391 39,629 258 10,096 10,527 5,186 11,108 14,431 8,488 17,515 13,035 1,334 5,486 812 9,974 7,307 5,418 120,717 11.7 7.9 4.1 7.7 8.7 5.6 15.8 9.7 8.1 7.7 4.4 9.7 12.2 6.3 8.6 8.4% 8.7 4.3 9.2 12.0 7.0 14.5 10.8 1.1 4.5 0.7 8.3 6.1 4.5 100.0 Mechi Koshi Sagarmatha Janakpur Bagmati Narayani Gandaki Lumbini Dhaulagiri Rapti Karnali Bheri Seti Mahakali Subtotal Missing data Total 39,887 120,717 8.6 100.0 Source: PFR9.002 PT.I AN.4 Again due to the population distribution, two zones with moder- ate prevalence levels, Bagmati and Lumbini, have almost one- quarter (22.8%) of the trauma. When combined with Gandaki zone, with the highest prevalence, these three zones contain 37.3 percent of the trauma in Nepal. On the other hand, Karnali, Dhaulagiri, and Mahakali zones have only 6.3 percent of the trauma because of low or moderate prevalences or small populations. The preceding discussion has combined both the rural population and the small urban population. Table 9-10 presents the distribu- tion of trauma by place of residence. There is little difference be- tween the prevalence rates for rural and urban areas and, as could be expected, the rural area has 95 percent of the trauma. The