272 CHAPTER SEVEN The Far West A region clearly has a larger burden and more trichiasis and entropion than any other region. TABLE 7-23. DISTRIBUTION OF TRICHIASIS OR ENTROPION (TIE) BY REGION (NBS 1981) Estimated Population with TIE Estimated Prevalence ·per 100 Perc1mtage of All TIE in Nepal Sample N Region East Central West Far West A Far West B Subtotal 9,761 12,330 7,483 5,593 4,039 39,206 681 39,887 4,409 8,707 6,887 27,064 11,262 58,329 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.4 0.8 0.4 7.6% 14.9 11.8 46.4 19.3 100.0 Missing T/E status Total 58,329 0.4 100.0 Source: FR7.002C AN.3 REP.1 The distribution of trichiasis and entropion cannot be examined in as much detail as was possible for trachoma because of the small number of cases observed. There are too few cases to provide a complete distribution by sampling strata or zone, but Table 7-24 presents the distribution of trichiasis and entropion by selected sam- pling strata in the Far West region. In the Far West region, the highest prevalence rate of trichiasis and entropion occurs in the terai with 1. 9 cases per 100 persons. On the other hand, more than half of the estimated 37,859 cases in the region occur in the hills and mountains. Thus, nearly one-third (30.0%) of the trichiasis and entropion in Nepal occurs in the Far West Terai, but more than one- third (35.0%) can be found in the Far West Hills and mountains. These findings contrast with the traditional view that trichiasis and entropion, like trachoma, occur almost exclusively in the terai. Despite the fact that there is more trichiasis and entropion in the Far West region than elsewhere in Nepal, there is not much more than might be expected given the distribution of trachoma. There were an estimated 560,792 cases of trachoma in the Far West, or a ratio of 6.8 cases of trichiasis and entropion per 100 cases of trachoma. In the remainder of Nepal, there were an es- timated 349,042 cases of trachoma, or a ratio of 5.9 cases of trichiasis and entropion per 100 cases of trachoma, a figure some- what smaller, but still similar to the ratio in the Far West. Since